Ljerka Njerš


ZAGREB, CREATION OF BEAUTY IN CONTEMPORARY MEDIA-Glyptothek of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts

June 1. 2019.

‘Ceramics is underestimated in our country, and it is a hit in England’

Ceramist and painter Ljerka Njerš, whose latest exhibition ‘Creating Beauty in Contemporary Media / Glass – Paintings – Film’ is set in Zagreb’s Glyptotheque of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts, reveals why she does not have her own studio and how her color lithographs were exhibited at the prestigious Royal Academy of Arts. .

You can read the interview with Ms. Ljerka Njerš here:

‘Keramika je kod nas podcijenjena, a u Engleskoj je hit’

The master of the coloristic composition Ljerka Njerš used blue (her favorite) color in contact with green, and less often with any other color, as well as black outline and glass transparency. In bold and free rhythms, she created fluttering, pleasant, beautiful and inspired glass paintings. The airiness of the glass and the reflection of color through the light led the artist, ready for new creative research, to the idea of ​​replacing the glass surface with painted, airy painting-silk. In order to achieve this effect of the new and different, and to remain faithful to herself and her painting world of imagination, Ljerka Njerš acquired modern tools: photography and computers.
These tools enabled her to release her painting temperament and shape photo-images in her own way in the new medium. The bright glittering colors (blue-green-red-yellow) are coordinated and measured very expertly, so that Ljerka Njerš avoided the trap of technicalism that many photographers who use the same tools in a similar way fall into. Ljerka Njerš designed monumental and suggestive photo-images. When these bright colors and interesting motifs are printed on silk or some breathable material and placed in front of a window or in a space where light passes through the material, these works act like modern stained glass windows. ”

From the foreword by Branka Hlevnjak



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Ljerka Njerš - 2025 - All rights reserved izrada: dzDesign