Ljerka Njerš



September 8. 2018.

The exhibition “Material and Form – Textile on New Borders”, that opens on Saturday, September the 8, at the ULUPUH Gallery in Zagreb, is the work of sixteen authors who question the relationship between material and form in the field of textile design.

Through two themes – the design and use of new textile materials and material mimicry – in cases when one material mimics the other, artists at the exhibition how everything can be shaped and designed by new materials and whether they are obstacles or assistance in realizing their creative process.

“Both, in short lines elaborated units are an intriguing challenge for artists. The results of their thoughts and work are presented at the exhibition in various products of applied art; on interior decorating facilities but also to those who, without hesitating reach up for an artistic aura, “said the curator of the exhibition, Nikola Albanese, in the foreword of the exhibition, which was premiered two years ago at the Museum of the City of Vukovar.

In his words, this area of applied art today does not only apply to the design of textiles, including fashion, but it is also a shift towards artistic perception of the material itself.

Albanese believes that “the potential of the textiles is the same as in any other material – it is now a matter like pigment or clay, which is treated as a special medium for an individual expression.”

“If we look at the works as a one-off unit, we must note the immanence of features that confirm the particularities of a technique, but also the presence of a set of features that overcome its conventional constraints,” he said.

In the ULUPUH Gallery the works will be presented by Ivana Bakal, Andreja Deskar, Smiljka Franjić, Igor Galaš, Tatjana Grgurina Vučetić, Jadranka Hlupić Dujmušić and Petra Krpan, Ruža Hodak, Vesna Jakić, Dominique Jurić, Zoran Kakša, Natasa Knežević, Vesna Kolobarić, Tihana Mikša Perkovic, Ljerka Njerš, Sanja Šebalj and Gordana Špicer Šimić.

The exhibition will be open until September 24, working day from 10h to 20h, Saturday from 10h to 13h. Entrance to the exhibition is free.

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Ljerka Njerš - 2025 - All rights reserved izrada: dzDesign